toilet seat

How to Clean a Toilet

It is important to keep toilets clean because it’s challenging to maintain them. A filthy toilet will look unpleasant, smell poorly and breed germs. Use our recommended process to guide you through this task quickly and efficiently.

Equipment Required

A safety sign is required because this sign lets people know cleaning is in progress. Make… Continue reading


How to Clean and Organise Cupboards

Maintaining a clean, and sanitary workplace is one of the most important aspects in keeping staff happy and healthy.

Essential Equipment

Wearing the correct PPE is important to ensure you protect yourself from any harmful bacteria or viruses while cleaning the cupboard. We recommended you have a safety sign to make others aware that cleaning… Continue reading


How to Mop a Floor

This is our recommended process for how to mop a floor correctly. Before we begin, we should mention that in some situations you may only need a small amount of water. If so, consider options such as ‘Damp/Flat Mopping’.

Equipment Required

The first piece of equipment we need is a safety sign, this is important… Continue reading

ultraviolet light

How to Purify Air with Ultraviolet Light

The ongoing global Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the need to improve the cleanliness and hygiene in our working environments. Cork Hygiene’s new range of air purifiers uses proven UV (UltraViolet) Sterilisation Technology to kill bacteria and help prevent the spread of viruses.

What is Ultraviolet Light?

Ultraviolet (UV) light is part of the light spectrum… Continue reading

Cleaning the air is more important than cleaning surfaces when tackling COVID transmission rates

Over the years, the Cleaning and FM industries have invested heavily in products, services, and the distribution of infection control information regarding cleaning surfaces, whether this is for floors, washrooms, offices, or kitchens. The importance of clean surfaces in reducing the transmission of bacteria and viruses and keeping us all in good health… Continue reading

Cleaning Products

Deep Cleaning – Controlling the Risk

Whenever and wherever cleaning is taking place, it is extremely important that all potentially harmful dirt and bacteria are prevented from travelling around the building

One of the ways in which such bacteria can be transmitted throughout a building is via the same cleaning equipment and solutions being used in areas of different use. Therefore,… Continue reading

Hands with Soapy Water

Hand Hygiene – Get it Right

Good hand hygiene is the primary, most important method of preventing cross-contamination and the spread of germs and bacteria.

Handwashing is particularly important when carrying out cleaning in areas such as care homes, schools, and hospitals. You should never underestimate the importance of hygiene in the workplace. It is normal practice throughout the cleaning and… Continue reading