Cleaning a Potential Virus Outbreak
Over the last couple of years, we have seen the large impact regular cleaning can have on limiting the transmission of viruses such as Covid-19. When cleaning a potential virus outbreak, we recommend reducing the amount of clutter and discarding hard items to make the cleaning process easier. Pay attention to all surfaces, but pay close attention to the ones regularly touched, such as door handles, light switches, and work surfaces.
Ideally, regularly touched surfaces should be wiped down at the start and end of each day. Some people forget about bathrooms and communal kitchens. The two main places’ viruses spread the most. Ensure suitable hand washing facilities are available, e.g. running water, soap, paper towels or hand driers for people to use.
Stage 1 Clean
The first stage of cleaning should be to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with antibacterial soap and water and remember to sanitise with alcohol gel. Before you start the cleaning, put on disposable PPE and place safety signs.
We also recommend you have a virucidal cleaner, which is an everyday product aimed to aid in the fight against cross-infection, but if you do not own one, a neutral detergent will do just as good a job. Dilute 60ml to 500ml of water in a trigger spray bottle, then spray onto a clean cloth ready for the surface to be wiped clean. Wait 30 seconds, then wipe the surface again with a clean cloth.
Stage 2 Disinfect
The next stage is to disinfect once again, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with antibacterial soap and water, and remember to sanitise with alcohol gel. Some cleaning tasks may require you to wear a mask, as some viruses can become airborne.
Spray the surface you want to clean and then leave for 1 minute contact time. If using an alternative product to the virucidal cleaner, check the label for recommended contact time, then wipe clean.
Place all waste in a waste bag and seal it to make sure no dirt comes out of the bag. You are now finished and can wash your hands for a final time with a disposable towel.
Why is it important to wear a mask?
As we mentioned earlier, face masks might come in useful to stop the spread of a potential virus outbreak. Face masks limit the travel distance of airborne droplets dispersed. The droplets spread when someone exhales, e.g. sneezing or coughing.
Face coverings can be useful indoors, as aerosols can stay in the air for at least 5 minutes, which is long enough for Covid-19 to spread. However, when you’re outdoors, a virus is less likely to spread when you exhale because of the fresh air. It is important you are getting fresh air during the day, as it is good for your lungs to expel airborne toxins from the body. This helps you to cleanse from the inside.