The Importance of Hand Hygiene

Here at Cork Hygiene, we believe hand hygiene stands as a cornerstone practice in the realm of public health. Hand hygiene is crucial for preventing the spread of infectious diseases. This simple yet profoundly effective measure has gained even greater prominence since the Covid-19 pandemic. The importance of hand hygiene extends beyond personal health, playing a crucial role in safeguarding community well-being.

Understanding Hand Hygiene

At it’s core, hand hygiene is the act of cleaning hands to remove dirt, germs, and harmful substances. This can be achieved through handwashing with soap and water or using an alcohol-based sanitiser. Hand hygiene disrupts the transmission of pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, and fungi, which often reside on the hands due to frequent contact with surfaces. By regularly cleaning our hands, we break the chain of infection, preventing these pathogens from entering our body or being passed onto others.

The correct hand-washing technique. When washing hands, the following points should be included and adopted by all staff:

  • Remove any jewellery from hands and wrists to allow effective cleaning. Wet hands with clean water.
  • Apply enough cleanser to ensure it produces a good thick lather.
  • Rub hands to produce lather, palm to palm, right palm over the back of the left hand and vice versa.
  • Intertwine the fingers of the right hand over the left and vice versa. Pay particular attention to the areas between fingers and fingernails.
  • Rotationally rub backwards and forwards with clasped fingers of the right hand in the left palm. Change hands and repeat.
  • Rotationally rub the right thumb clasped in the left palm, change hands, and repeat.
  • Grip the left wrist and work the cleanser into the skin. Do the same with the right wrist.
  • Rinse off all traces of lather with clean water.
  • Dry hands thoroughly with a disposable paper towel.
  • Discard paper towels in the waste bin, avoid touching the bin.

The Impact of Effective Hand Hygiene

  • Reducing the Spread of Infectious Diseases: Hand hygiene has been shown to significantly reduce the spread of respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. For instance, regular handwashing can decrease the risk of diarrhoea by 30% to 48%.
  • Protecting Vulnerable Populations: In settings like hospitals and care homes, hand hygiene is essential for protecting patients, particularly those with weakened immune systems.  
  • Supporting Public Health Initiatives: During pandemics and outbreaks, hand hygiene is a critical component of public health responses. It serves as a first line of defence in slowing the spread of highly contagious diseases.

Challenges of Hand Hygiene

Despite it’s proven effectiveness, ensuring widespread hand hygiene compliance remains challenging. Many factors such as lack of access to clean water and sanitation facilities, especially in underprivileged areas, hinder proper hand hygiene practices. Moreover, complacency and lack of awareness contribute to irregular handwashing habits.


To address these challenges, global health organisations and governments are investing in awareness campaigns and improving sanitation infrastructure. Educational programs aimed at changing behaviours and attitudes towards hand hygiene are also crucial.

The Future of Hand Hygiene

The future of hand hygiene looks promising, with technological advancements aiding in better compliance and effectiveness. Innovations such as touchless faucets and soap dispensers, along with smart monitoring systems, are significantly improving hand hygiene practices in many settings. Furthermore, ongoing research into more effective and skin-friendly sanitising agents is underway, aiming to make hand hygiene a more pleasant and habitual practice.


Hand hygiene is a simple yet powerful tool in the fight against infectious diseases. It’s importance transcends healthcare settings, impacting our daily lives and societal well-being. By continuing to promote and practice good hand hygiene, we can collectively safeguard our health and contribute to a healthier world.

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